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The New York Times Playlist features Sofia Rei, "Un Mismo Cielo"


KCRW Today’s Top Tune: Sofía Rei, "Un Mismo Cielo", June 2021


Página 12- “Sofía Rei, una argentina en la vanguardia musical de Nueva York”


The New York Times Playlist features Sofia Rei, "La Otra"

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FLOOD Magazine, LA: Sofia Rei Pays Tribute to Nobel Prize–Winning Poet Gabriela Mistral on “La Otra”


Al Día News- Who is Sofia Rei? A singer, songwriter and teacher whose latest album traverses Chile’s Elqui Valley


La Voz del Interior El fenómeno Tiny Desk se expande y rompe fronteras: cómo fueron las experiencias argentinas, June 2021


The New York Times: Going Online, globalFest Showcases World Music 


The New York Times: Going Online, globalFest Showcases World Music 


The New York Times: Going Online, globalFest Showcases World Music 

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The New York Times: Going Online, globalFest Showcases World Music 


The New York Times: Going Online, globalFest Showcases World Music 


The New York Times: Going Online, globalFest Showcases World Music 

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The New York Times: Going Online, globalFest Showcases World Music 

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The New York Times: Going Online, globalFest Showcases World Music 

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The New York Times: Going Online, globalFest Showcases World Music 

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The New York Times: Going Online, globalFest Showcases World Music 

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The New York Times: Going Online, globalFest Showcases World Music 

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The New York Times: Going Online, globalFest Showcases World Music 

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The New York Times: Going Online, globalFest Showcases World Music 

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The New York Times: Going Online, globalFest Showcases World Music 

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The New York Times: Going Online, globalFest Showcases World Music 

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The New York Times: Going Online, globalFest Showcases World Music 

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The New York Times: Going Online, globalFest Showcases World Music 

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The New York Times: Going Online, globalFest Showcases World Music 

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The New York Times: Going Online, globalFest Showcases World Music 

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The New York Times: Going Online, globalFest Showcases World Music 

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The New York Times: Going Online, globalFest Showcases World Music 

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The New York Times: Going Online, globalFest Showcases World Music 

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The New York Times: Going Online, globalFest Showcases World Music 


The New York Times: Going Online, globalFest Showcases World Music 


The New York Times: Going Online, globalFest Showcases World Music 


The New York Times: Going Online, globalFest Showcases World Music 


The New York Times: Going Online, globalFest Showcases World Music 


The New York Times: Going Online, globalFest Showcases World Music 

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The New York Times: Going Online, globalFest Showcases World Music 

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The New York Times: Going Online, globalFest Showcases World Music 

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The New York Times: Going Online, globalFest Showcases World Music 


The New York Times: Going Online, globalFest Showcases World Music 


The New York Times: Going Online, globalFest Showcases World Music 

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The New York Times: Going Online, globalFest Showcases World Music 


The New York Times: Going Online, globalFest Showcases World Music 

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